Saturday 12 March 2011

Home made Glimmer spray.

Well it's my favorite time of the week and not just because it's saturday but because it means that my husband is home until monday. It is very hard being a family of a truck driver, some say you will get use to it but the truth is you never do. I have spent time in my craft room cleaning up the mess and making some mini paper roses, right now they are drying from the home made glimmer mist that I put on them. I don't understans why anyone would go and buy glimmer mist when you can make it for so much less and it works great. All you need is water, a spray bottle and metalic paint. I just get the paint from Wal-Mart for around $2.69 and the spray bottles from the dollar store. You then just mix it all together using as much paint as you need to get the colour that you want and there you have glimmer spray and a lot of it for under$4.00.
I do think I will also try my hand at making some imformation videos today. If it morks out then I will post them for you to use. Take care and keep crafting!


  1. Thank you so much for hanging out on CDAC... I am now a follower of your blog.. come follow my CDAC group if you can :)
    I will check in here when I can.

  2. Oh thank you for joining my group..we have a ball there..Join in when you feel comfortable :)

  3. Thank you so much Priscilla for being my first ture follower. The other one is my niece. I have been looking around your CDAC group and love it. Thanks for letting me become a part of it.
